With WebApps you instantly can deploy your app written in your favorite language and framework. Web apps automatically get a domain and publically become accessible with a unique ondjuno.com
subdomains. You always can set your own custom domain. your service needs to expose a port to get respond request from public access.
Get started
to create a web app navigate into webApp and select “Create Web App”
from the menu choose deploy type
select docker image and in deploy sources, if your image is not publicly accessible you need to setup your registry and supply credentials.
lastly supply a name, chose a plan, or make adjustments to port and evironment variables
Click on create, it takes couple minute to prepare your app and will be notified as soon as deployement is finished. the status of the app will turn into running
Manage app
by navigating to your app you can manage, monitor and scale your app. when your app status becomes running you can selct and navigate. there are 8 tabs that each help for management and monitoring of app.
in overview tab you get and overview of your app, you can upgrade your instance and learn about public link. you can restart the app if you app needs to be restarted or redeployed.
if selected tag is deployed on your container registry app automatically will be redeployed
on logs you can access the application logs
in this tab you can modify and set environments variable necessary for running applications
in this tab you can access your running application via shell, press connect a terminal will be prompted.
this tab you can get an overview of traffic, access, response time and cpu and ram alocation.
this tab offers you horizantal and vertical scaling capability.
this gives you full history of events for deployment of the application, you can find many information here.
in this section you can modify port, change your instance type, change your image, and lastly set a custom domain name
you can additionally delet your web app, or alternatively susspend it as long as the app is suspended, you wont be billed for the web app.
to check out flexible pricing see this link