Get list of coins
If you need to fetch multiple coins, this is the endpoint you need. It provides the most crucial data of coins in a handy filterable list.
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
timePeriod (optional) | By setting the timePeriod the change percentage and sparkline in the response will be calculated accordingly. Default value: 24h |
symbols (optional) | Symbols to filter the list on. Do note that symbols are not unique. Should you need a specific coin, then you should use the UUIDs filter. Example: |
contractAddresses (optional) | Contract Addresses to filter the list on. These are the addresses currencies get on their respective blockchains. Smart Contract Addresses are a common name for addresses on blockchains, but some chains might call them AssetID, Token Address or something else. We use the term Contract Address to cover all these cases. Note that tokens might be issued on several blockchains, so the same token might have several addresses Example: |
blockchains (optional) | Blockchains to filter the list on. With this filter you can for example fetch only coins that are minted on the Ethereum blockchain. You can filter on multiple blockchains at once. Example: |
uuids (optional) | UUIDs to filter the list on. If you know the UUIDs of the coins you want to fetch, you can use this filter to get the specific coins. Example: |
tiers (optional) | We separate coins into three tiers. With this parameter you can filter coins on the tiers you need. Allowed values: |
tags (optional) | Tags to filter the list on. Allowed values: |
orderBy (optional) | Index to order by. All sortings excluding listedAt still take our different tiers of coins into account. Default value: marketCapAllowed values:price marketCap 24hVolume change listedAtExample:...coins?orderBy=price |
orderDirection (optional) | Applies direction to the orderBy query, which can be in ascending or descending order. Default value: desc |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination. Default value: 0 |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"total": 3
"currencies": [
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"type": "coin",
"symbol": "BTC",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"iconUrl": "",
"sign": "₿"
"uuid": "razxDUgYGNAdQ",
"type": "coin",
"symbol": "ETH",
"name": "Ethereum",
"iconUrl": "",
"sign": "Ξ"
"uuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl",
"type": "fiat",
"symbol": "USD",
"name": "US Dollar",
"iconUrl": "",
"sign": "$"
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats | A series of statistics regarding the requested list. Note that the stats its scope includes coins outside the limit. E.g. the response of a query with a limit of 50 coins returns 50 coins (obviously), while the stats depicts the amount of coins available, 24 hour volume, etc. without this limit, which may be a much higher number. | | Total number of coins within the query |
data.stats.totalCoins | Total number of coins without the filters |
data.stats.totalMarkets | Total number of markets without the filters |
data.stats.totalExchanges | Total number of exchanges without the filters |
data.stats.totalMarketCap | The market capital of coins without the filters |
data.stats.total24hVolume | The volume over the last 24 hours of coins without the filters |
data.coins | List of coins |
data.coins.uuid | UUID of the coin |
data.coins.symbol | Currency symbol | | Name of the coin |
data.coins.color | Main HEX color of the coin |
data.coins.iconUrl | Location of the icon |
data.coins.24hVolume | 24h trade volume |
data.coins.marketCap | Market capitalization. Price times circulating supply |
data.coins.price | Price of the coin |
data.coins.btcPrice | Price of the coin expressed in Bitcoin |
data.coins.listedAt | Epoch timestamp of when we started listing the coin. |
data.coins.change | Percentage of change over the given time period |
data.coins.rank | The position in the ranks |
data.coins.sparkline | Array of prices based on the time period parameter, useful for a sparkline |
data.coins.contractAddresses | List of contract addresses for this coin. The format is |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency with UUID of HxDUgYGNAdQz not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Coin details
When you need data about a specific coin, you need our coin details endpoint. This provides more specific data then the list endpoint, such as links to socials and supply information.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
timePeriod (optional) | Time period where the change and sparkline are based on Default value: 24h |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"coin": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"description": "Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency.",
"color": "#f7931A",
"iconUrl": "",
"websiteUrl": "",
"links": [
"name": "Bitcoin",
"url": "",
"type": "reddit"
"supply": {
"confirmed": true,
"supplyAt": 1640757180,
"circulating": "17009275",
"total": "17009275",
"max": "21000000"
"24hVolume": "6818750000",
"marketCap": "159393904304",
"fullyDilutedMarketCap": "196790985529",
"price": "9370.9993109108",
"btcPrice": "1",
"priceAt": 1640757180,
"change": "-0.52",
"rank": 1,
"numberOfMarkets": 9800,
"numberOfExchanges": 190,
"sparkline": [
"allTimeHigh": {
"price": "19500.471361532",
"timestamp": 1513555200
"lowVolume": false,
"listedAt": 1483228800,
"notices": [
"type": "MESSAGE",
"value": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
"contractAddresses": [],
"tags": [
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.coin |
data.coin.uuid | UUID of the coin |
data.coin.symbol | Currency symbol | | Name of the coin |
data.coin.description | Small description of the coin |
data.coin.color | Main HEX color of the coin |
data.coin.iconUrl |
data.coin.websiteUrl | URL of the primary website |
data.coin.links | List of links, like social media pages | | Name of the link |
data.coin.links.url | Url to the specific link |
data.coin.links.type | The type of link Allowed values: | |
| | Coins without a confirmed supply are ranked below coins with a confirmed supply. Read about our methodology. | | Epoch timestamp of when the supply was synchronized. If the supply was never synchronized or the supply is manually updated the API will return null. | | Number of coins that are in existence | | Number of coins that are circulating in the public market | | Maximum amount the coin's supply can ever be. |
data.coin.marketCap | Market capitalization. Price times circulating supply |
data.coin.fullyDilutedMarketCap | Market capitalization. Price times circulating supply Full Market capitalization. Fully diluted market cap is a coin's price multiplied by its max supply. Or total supply if the max supply is not known. It shows what the market cap could be if all coins were in circulation, with the current price. |
data.coin.price | Price of the coin |
data.coin.btcPrice | Price of the coin expressed in Bitcoin |
data.coin.priceAt | Epoch timestamp of when the price was calculated. |
data.coin.24hVolume | 24h trade volume |
data.coin.change | Percentage of change over the given time period |
data.coin.rank | The position in the ranks |
data.coin.numberOfMarkets | The number of markets that contain the this coin |
data.coin.numberOfExchanges | The number of exchanges that trade this coin |
data.coin.sparkline | Array of prices based on the time period parameter, useful for a sparkline |
data.coin.allTimeHigh |
data.coin.allTimeHigh.price | The highest price that the coin has reached |
data.coin.allTimeHigh.timestamp | An Epoch timestamp in seconds when the coin reached its highest price. |
data.coin.lowVolume | If the coin is not much traded on listed exchanges it is marked as having a low volume. The threshold is currently set at the equivalent of 500.000 US Dollar in 24 hours |
data.coin.listedAt | Epoch timestamp of when we started listing the coin. |
data.coin.notices | List of notices, which signal some important information about the coin. The notices are in JSON format, and in most cases consist of a "type" property with an important keyword such as "WARNING", and a more human readable message in a "value" property. |
data.coin.contractAddresses | List of contract addresses for this coin. The format is |
data.coin.tags | List of tags, like "Staking" or "Meme" |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Coin not found"
Error responses
Name type | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID |
Name type | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Coin price
Simple endpoint, to fetch a single price point for a coin. You can specify a timestamp to get the price for some earlier date.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you need the price. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
timestamp (optional) | The timestamp parameter accepts an epoch timestamp in seconds. This timestamp is used to find the nearest available price point, selecting the data's granularity based on the age of the request:
If no timestamp is provided, this endpoint will default to the latest price. Example: |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"price": "7305.985182338483",
"timestamp": 1586305740
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.price | The price of the requested coin at the requested time |
data.timestamp | An Epoch timestamp in seconds when the coin had the given price. Might differ from the provided timestamp in the request, because it is stripped down to the day, hour or minute. |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Coin not found"
Error responses
Error | Description |
PRICE_NOT_FOUND | No price could be calculated for this request. Try another coin and/or another reference currency |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Coin price history
Gets you a series of pricepoints going back in time a day, a year or some other period of time.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
timePeriod (optional) | Timeperiod where the change and history are based on Default value: 24h |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), the price of the reference currency is used to calculate the volume. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"change": "12",
"history": [
"price": "41905.99687434882803047615",
"timestamp": 1641897900
"price": "41937.93174219252237197408",
"timestamp": 1641897600
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.change | Percentage of change over the given time frame |
data.history | List of prices |
data.history.price | Price of the coin |
data.history.timestamp | An Epoch timestamp in seconds when the coin had the given price. |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Coin not found"
Error responses
Error | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Similar to coin price history, but with OHLC (Open High Low Close) data, which is often used to make candlestick charts.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request the OHLC data for. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
interval (optional) | The interval determines the time period over which each OHLC item is determined. Default value: day |
limit (optional) | Limit. Limit the amount of time periods for which the OHLC data is retrieved. For example, when interval=hour and limit is 10, data will be returned for the last 10 hours. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"ohlc": [
"startingAt": 1641427200,
"open": "43639.170052896734",
"high": "43830.15844443845",
"low": "42679.105282492994",
"close": "43253.82606224523",
"avg": "43194.86335084649"
"startingAt": 1641340800,
"open": "45997.97595190101",
"high": "47050.58243007133",
"low": "42923.375181467185",
"close": "43639.198327313374",
"avg": "46022.85506904964"
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.ohlc | List of OHLC items |
data.ohlc.startingAt | An Epoch timestamp in seconds marking the start of the time period on which the OHLC values are based. | | Opening price of the coin for the time period |
data.ohlc.high | Highest price of the coin during the time period |
data.ohlc.low | Lowest price of the coin during the time period |
data.ohlc.close | Closing price of the coin for the time period |
data.ohlc.avg | Average price of the coin over the time period |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Coin not found"
Error responses
Error | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Coin exchanges listings
Returns a list of exchanges for a specific coin. Meaning that if you want to know what exchanges a coin is being traded on, this endpoint helps you out.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request exchanges for |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination Default value: 0 |
orderBy (optional) | Index to order by. Default is 24h volume. Default value: 24hVolume |
orderDirection (optional) | Order in ascending or descending order Default value: desc |
search (optional) | Value to search for within results, i.e. exchange names Example: |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"stats": {
"24hVolume": "27739840257.811882",
"total": 278
"exchanges": [
"rank": 1,
"uuid": "Z7wAB_T0o",
"verified": false,
"recommended": false,
"numberOfMarkets": 22,
"name": "Coinsbit",
"iconUrl": "",
"24hVolume": "2092377039.0491314",
"price": "6954.329554998793",
"btcPrice": "1"
"rank": 2,
"uuid": "8JlYgQMK",
"verified": false,
"recommended": false,
"numberOfMarkets": 14,
"name": "BKEX",
"iconUrl": "",
"24hVolume": "1793966025.8889403",
"price": "6952.4065930949655",
"btcPrice": "1"
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats |
data.stats.24hVolume | Total 24h volume of exchanges in the reference currency | | Total number of exchanges |
data.exchanges |
data.exchanges.uuid | UUID of the exchange | | Name of the exchange |
data.exchanges.iconUrl | Location of the icon |
data.exchanges.verified | DEPRECATED Exchanges that are verified to not participate in harmful practices such as wash trading are marked as verified. |
data.exchanges.recommended | Whether the exchange is recommended |
data.exchanges.numberOfMarkets | Number of markets of the exchange |
data.exchanges.rank | Rank of the exchange based on volume, taking into account exchange and currency filters |
data.exchanges.24hVolume | Total volume in 24 hours |
data.exchanges.price | Price of the chosen coin on this exchange |
data.exchanges.btcPrice | Price of the chosen coin expressed in Bitcoin |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID. |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Coin market listings
Similar to coin exchange listings, but a level deeper; you can find what markets a coin is trade on
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request markets for. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), the price of the reference currency is used to calculate the volume. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), the price of the reference currency is used to calculate the volume. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination Default value: 0 |
orderBy (optional) | Index to sort on. Default is 24h volume. Default value: 24hVolume |
orderDirection (optional) | Order in ascending or descending order Default value: desc |
search (optional) | Value to search for within results, e.g. exchange names, currency names, or currency symbols Example: |
Code examples
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"24hVolume": "2795922.586905519",
"total": 3
"markets": [
"uuid": "xk9M2LuHuID5",
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC"
"quote": {
"uuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl",
"symbol": "USD"
"exchange": {
"uuid": "-zdvbieRdZ",
"name": "Binance",
"iconUrl": ""
"24hVolume": "771875964.9750752",
"price": "3842.9444791178726",
"btcPrice": "1",
"rank": 1,
"marketShare": "30.48",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
"uuid": "bn7nTLHHuIq2",
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC"
"quote": {
"uuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW",
"symbol": "USDT"
"exchange": {
"uuid": "qn5ZJmPFP",
"name": "Coinbase Pro",
"iconUrl": ""
"24hVolume": "311344830.86823833",
"price": "3869.146354559396",
"btcPrice": "1",
"rank": 2,
"marketShare": "12.35",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats |
data.stats.24hVolume | Total 24h volume of exchanges in the reference currency | | Total number of exchanges | |
| | UUID of the market | | The coin on the left side of the pair, which price is calculated in units of the quote | | UUID of the baseCurrency of the market | | Symbol of the baseCurrency of the market | | The coin on the right side of the pair. The amount in tickers are how much quote you get for one unit of base. E.g. BTC/USD 10.000 means 1 BTC is traded for 10.000 USD. | | Symbol of the quoteCurrency of the market | | UUID of the quoteCurrency of the market | | Exchange this market belongs to | | Name of the exchange | | UUID of the exchange | | Location of the icon | | 24h volume of the latest ticker in the reference currency | | Price of the latest ticker in reference currency | | Price of the latest ticker expressed in Bitcoin | | Rank of the market based on volume, taking into account exchange and currency filters | | Percentage of the total market volume reprented by this market, taking into account exchange and currency filters | | Whether the market is recommended | | An array of filters that are applied to the market. Most of the filters will cause the market to not be included in the price calculation of the coins. Allowed values: |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUI |
Coin blockchains
DEPRECATED: this endpoint is meant to find the blockchain or blockchains a coin is minted on.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request the blockchains for. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination. Default value: 0 |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"total": 1,
"issuanceBlockchains": [
"name": "Ethereum",
"referenceName": "Ethereum contract address",
"reference": "0x7d1afa7b718fb893db30a3abc0cfc608aacfebb0"
"blockExplorerUrl": ""
Response fields
Error | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
| | Total number of issuance blockchains for the coin. |
data.issuanceBlockchains |
| | Name of the blockchain. |
data.issuanceBlockchains.referenceName | Blockchain specific coin reference name. For instance, 'Ethereum contract address' for a coin's reference on the Ethereum blockchain. |
data.issuanceBlockchains.reference | Reference address of the coin on the blockchain. Null means it is the blockchain's native coin. For example this is the smart contract address of a coin if it is issued on the Ethereum blockchain and the asset code if the coin is issued on the Stellar blockchain. |
data.issuanceBlockchains.blockExplorerUrl | The supplies are fetched from third parties, called block explorers. The url links to the website of the block explorer, and if possible to the specific token. |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"messages": [
"Limit can only be between 1 and 100."
Error responses
Name | Type | Description |
| The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
Coin supply modifiers
The market cap for a coin is calculated by the price of a single unit (e.g. 1 BTC) multiplied by the "circulating supply". The circulating part of the supply is the amount of coins that are not only minted, but also in circulation (not locked up in some wallet accessible to noone). The wallets accessible to noone are what we call supply modifiers, and their balances are subtracted from the total supply.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request the modifiers for. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination Default value: 0 |
orderBy (optional) | Order of the modifiers can be either when they were added (createdAt) or by amount Default value: createdAt |
orderDirection (optional) | Applies direction to the orderBy query, which can be in ascending or descending order. Default value: desc |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"total": 3,
"modifiers": [
"blockchainName": "Neo",
"blockExplorerUrl": "",
"name": "Foundation",
"reference": "Ae2d6qj91YL3LVUMkza7WQsaTYjzjHm4z1",
"syncedAt": 1593436560,
"amount": "14146080"
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
| | Total number of modifiers for the coin's supply. |
data.modifiers |
data.modifiers.blockchainName | Name of the blockchain to which this modifier applies. |
data.modifiers.blockExplorerUrl | URL to block explorer. | | Name we have given the modifier. |
data.modifiers.reference | Address of the modifier. |
data.modifiers.syncedAt | Epoch timestamp in seconds when the amount has last been synced. |
data.modifiers.amount | Balance on the address retrieved at the syncedAt time. |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"messages": [
"Limit can only be between 1 and 100."
Error responses
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
Coin market cap history
The market cap for every coin fluctuates throughout time by differing supply and price values. You can find the history in this endpoint.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request the Market cap data for. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
interval (optional) | The interval determines the time period over which each market cap item is determined. Default value: day |
limit (optional) | Limit. Limit the amount of time periods for which the marketCaps are retrieved. For example, when interval=hour and limit is 10, data will be returned for the last 10 hours. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"history": [
"timestamp": 1698220800,
"marketCap": "663355719491"
"timestamp": 1698217200,
"marketCap": "662740429329"
"timestamp": 1698213600,
"marketCap": "666715637188"
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.history | List of market cap items |
data.history.timestamp | An Epoch timestamp in seconds |
data.history.marketCap | the market cap in US Dollars |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Coin not found"
Error responses
Error | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID. |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
Coin rank history
How a coin ranked throughout time.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request the rank data for. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
interval (optional) | The interval determines the time period over which each rank item is determined. Default value: day |
limit (optional) | Limit. Limit the amount of time periods for which the ranks are retrieved. For example, when interval=hour and limit is 10, data will be returned for the last 10 hours. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"history": [
"startingAt": 1698310800,
"tier": "1",
"marketCapRank": "1",
"fullyDilutedMarketCapRank": "1",
"volumeRank": "2",
"priceRank": "2"
"startingAt": 1698307200,
"tier": "1",
"marketCapRank": "1",
"fullyDilutedMarketCapRank": "1",
"volumeRank": "2",
"priceRank": "2"
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.history | List of rank items |
data.history.startingAt | An Epoch timestamp in seconds marking the start of the time period on which the rank values are based. |
data.history.tier | Tier of the coin. We have three distinct tiers. |
data.history.marketCapRank | The rank of the coin based on market cap. This is the rank we use on our website by default. time period |
data.history.fullyDilutedMarketCapRank | The rank of the coin based on fully diluted market cap. Fully diluted market cap is a coin's price multiplied by its max supply. Or total supply if the max supply is not known. |
data.history.volumeRank | Market cap based on its trading volume in the past 24 hours. |
data.history.priceRank | The rank of the coin based on how much US Dollars just one unit of the coin is worth. This metric greatly favors coins with a low supply. |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Coin not found"
Error responses
Error | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
Coin supply history
The supply for a coin rises when new coins are mined, and decreases when they are burned or otherwise rendered useless (this last part only counts for circulating supply, not total). You can track the history of a coins supply amount with this enpdoint.
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the coin you want to request the supply data for. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
interval (optional) | The interval determines the time period over which each supply item is determined. Default value: day |
limit (optional) | Limit. Limit the amount of time periods for which the supplies are retrieved. For example, when interval=hour and limit is 10, data will be returned for the last 10 hours. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"history": [
"timestamp": 1698624000,
"circulating": "19527731",
"total": "19527731"
"timestamp": 1698537600,
"circulating": "19526875",
"total": "19526875"
"timestamp": 1698451200,
"circulating": "19525868",
"total": "19525868"
Response fields
Parameter | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.history | List of supply items |
data.history.timestamp | An Epoch timestamp in seconds |
data.history.circulating | the circulating supply in US Dollars | | the total supply in US Dollars |
Error response
json Copy codeHTTP/1.1 404 Not Found { "status": "fail", "type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Coin not found" }
Error responses
Error | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"blockchains": [
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.blockchains | List of blockchains |
Blockchain details
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
blockchain | Name of the blockchain you want to request. You can find a list of all possible values by making a request to blockchains endpoint. |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"blockchain": {
"name": "ethereum",
"totalCoins": 2
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.blockchain |
| | Name of the blockchain |
data.blockchain.totalCoins | Amount of coins listed for this blockchain |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"message": "Blockchain not found. Find a list of possible values at"
Error responses
Error | Description |
BLOCKCHAIN_NOT_FOUND | The blockchain could not be found. |
Blockchain contract address
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
blockchain | Name of the blockchain you want to request. You can find a list of all possible values by making a request to our blockchains endpoint. |
address | Address of the token you want to request. This is the same address as is used on the blockchain the token is minted on. For example, the Tether (USDT) contract address on Ethereum is 0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7. In our case, the address is case-insensitive. |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"coin": {
"uuid": "razxDUgYGNAdQ",
"name": "Ethereum",
"symbol": "ETH",
"contractAddresses": [
Response fields
Parameter | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.coin |
data.coin.UUID | Uuid of the coin | | Name of the coin |
data.coin.symbol | Symbol of the coin (e.g. BTC, ETH, XRP) |
data.coin.contractAddresses | List of contract addresses for this coin. The format is |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "COIN_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Coin not found"
Error responses
Error | Description |
COIN_NOT_FOUND | The coin could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. Only usable when no filters are applied. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination. Default value: 0 |
orderBy (optional) | Order by either 24h volume, number of markets or latest ticker. Ordering can only be done when no filters are applied. Default value: 24hVolume |
orderDirection (optional) | Applies direction to the orderBy query, which can be in ascending or descending order. Only usable when no filters are applied. Default value: desc |
uuids (optional) | Exchange UUIDs to filter the exchanges on. Example: |
search (optional) | Value to search for within results, e.g. exchange names. Example: |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"24hVolume": "6554685985.623574",
"total": 198
"exchanges": [
"uuid": "-zdvbieRdZ",
"name": "Binance",
"iconUrl": "",
"numberOfMarkets": 3,
"24hVolume": "776337030.2052088",
"rank": 1,
"marketShare": "12.22",
"verified": true,
"recommended": true
"uuid": "XHp8eCjIDc",
"name": "ZB",
"iconUrl": null,
"lastTickerCreatedAt": 1546960123000,
"numberOfMarkets": 128,
"24hVolume": "693976176.906341",
"rank": 2,
"marketShare": "10.92",
"verified": false,
"recommended": false
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats |
data.stats.24hVolume | Total 24h volume of exchanges in the reference currency | | Total number of exchanges |
data.exchanges | List of exchanges |
data.exchanges.uuid | UUID of the exchange | | Name of the exchange |
data.exchanges.iconUrl | Location of the icon |
data.exchanges.verified | DEPRECATED Exchanges that are verified to not participate in harmful practices such as wash trading are marked as verified. |
data.exchanges.recommended | Whether the exchange is recommended |
data.exchanges.numberOfMarkets | Number of markets of the exchange |
data.exchanges.24hVolume | Total volume in 24 hours |
data.exchanges.rank | Rank of the exchange based on volume, taking into account exchange and currency filters |
data.exchanges.marketShare | Percentage of the total exchange volume reprented by this exchange. |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Exchange details
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the exchange you want to request. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"exchange": {
"numberOfMarkets": 3,
"numberOfCoins": 59,
"24hVolume": "776337030.2052088",
"uuid": "-zdvbieRdZ",
"name": "Binance",
"description": "Binance is a blockchain ecosystem cryptocurrency exchange.",
"iconUrl": "",
"websiteUrl": "",
"verified": true,
"recommended": true,
"lastTickerCreatedAt": 1546959293000,
"links": [
"name": "",
"url": "",
"type": "website"
"name": "Support",
"url": "",
"type": "website"
"name": "binance",
"url": "",
"type": "facebook"
"rank": 1,
"marketShare": "12.2209741947213",
"delistedAt": null,
"notices": [
"value":"This exchange is inactive on. Its data is not up to date."
"tags": [
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
| |
| | UUID of the exchange | | Name of the exchange | | Description of the exchange | | Location of the icon | | Website URL to the exchange | | DEPRECATED A verified exchange is verified to not participate in harmful practices such as wash trading. | | Whether the exchange is recommended | | Number of markets of the exchange | | Number of coins listed for this exchange | | Total volume in 24 hours | | Timestamp of the latest ticker | | List of links, like social media pages | | Name of the link | | Url to the specific link | | The type of link Allowed values: | | Rank of the exchange based on volume, taking into account exchange and currency filters | | Percentage of the total exchange volume represented by this exchange. | | The date at which an exchange is delisted , which means no new data is being fetched from the exchange. This is done when an exchange ceases to exist or is hard to reach. When the value is null, the exchange is not delisted. | | List of notices, which signal some important information about the exchange. E.g. that the exchange has been delisted and no new price data is being fetched from it. The notices are in JSON format, and in most cases consist of a "type" property with an important keyword such as "DELISTED", and a more human readable message in a "value" property. | | List of tags, like "DEX" or "CEX" |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
EXCHANGE_NOT_FOUND | The exchange could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Exchange coin listings
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the exchange you want to request |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), the price of the reference currency is used to calculate the volume. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination Default value: 0 |
orderBy (optional) | Index to sort on. Default is 24h volume Default value: 24hVolume |
orderDirection (optional) | order in ascending or descending order Default value: desc |
search (optional) | Filter the results by searching for coin names or symbols.
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"total": 3
"coins": [
"rank": 3,
"uuid": "ETHxDUgYGNAdQ",
"symbol": "ETH",
"name": "Ethereum",
"iconUrl": "",
"price": "203",
"btcPrice": "0.3",
"24hVolume": "380",
"numberOfMarkets": 2
"rank": 2,
"uuid": "USDxDUgYGNAdQ",
"symbol": "USDT",
"name": "Tether",
"iconUrl": "",
"price": "1",
"btcPrice": "0.0055573924999568905",
"24hVolume": "2795542.586905519",
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats |
| | Total number of exchanges |
data.coins |
data.coins.rank | The rank for this coin in this exchange |
data.coins.uuid | UUID of the coin |
data.coins.symbol | Currency symbol | | Name of the coin |
data.coins.iconUrl | Location of the icon |
data.coins.price | Price of the coin |
data.coins.btcPrice | Price of the coin expressed in Bitcoin. |
data.coins.24hVolume | 24h trade volume |
data.coins.numberOfMarkets | The amount of markets this coin is exchanged in on this exchange |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
EXCHANGE_NOT_FOUND | The exchange could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Exchange list of markets
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | UUID of the exchange. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), the price of the reference currency is used to calculate the volume. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination Default value: 0 |
orderBy (optional) | Index to sort on. Default is 24h volume. Default value: 24hVolume |
orderDirection (optional) | Order in ascending or descending order Default value: desc |
search (optional) | Value to search for within results, e.g. exchange names, currency names, or currency symbols Example: |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"24hVolume": "2795922.586905519",
"total": 3
"markets": [
"uuid": "xk9M2LuHuID5",
"active": 1,
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC"
"quote": {
"symbol": "USD",
"uuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl"
"exchange": {
"name": "Binance",
"uuid": "-zdvbieRdZ",
"iconUrl": ""
"24hVolume": "771875964.9750752",
"price": "3842.9444791178726",
"btcPrice": "1",
"rank": 1,
"marketShare": "30.48",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
"uuid": "bn7nTLHHuIq2",
"active": 1,
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC"
"quote": {
"symbol": "USDT",
"uuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW"
"exchange": {
"name": "Coinbase Pro",
"uuid": "qn5ZJmPFP",
"iconUrl": ""
"24hVolume": "311344830.86823833",
"price": "3869.146354559396",
"btcPrice": "1",
"rank": 2,
"marketShare": "12.35",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats |
data.stats.24hVolume | Total 24h volume of exchanges in the reference currency | | Total number of exchanges | |
| | UUID of the market | | If the market is enabled or not | | The coin on the left side of the pair, which price is calculated in units of the quote | | Symbol of the baseCurrency of the market | | UUID of the baseCurrency of the market | | The coin on the right side of the pair. The amount in tickers are how much quote you get for one unit of base. E.g. BTC/USD 10.000 means 1 BTC is traded for 10.000 USD. | | UUID of the quoteCurrency of the market | | Symbol of the quoteCurrency of the market | | Exchange this market belongs to | | Name of the exchange | | UUID of the exchange | | Location of the icon | | 24h volume of the latest ticker in the reference currency | | Price of the latest ticker in reference currency | | Price of the latest ticker expressed in Bitcoin. | | Rank of the market based on volume, taking into account exchange and currency filters | | Percentage of the total market volume reprented by this market, taking into account exchange and currency filters | | Whether the market is recommended | | An array of filters that are applied to the market. Most of the filters will cause the market to not be included in the price calculation of the coins. Allowed values: |
Error response
json Copy codeHTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity { "status": "fail", "type": "REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE", "message": "Reference currency not available" }
Error responses
Error | Description |
EXCHANGE_NOT_FOUND | The exchange could not be found. Try another UUID |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. Only usable when no filters are applied Default value: 50 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination only usable when no filters are applied Default value: 0 |
orderBy (optional) | Sort by either 24h volume or price. Only usable when no filters are applied Default value: 24hVolume |
orderDirection (optional) | Sort in ascending or descending order. Only usable when no filters are applied. Default value: desc |
search (optional) | Filter the results by searching for coin names, symbols or exchange names. Example: |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"24hVolume": "6554685985.623574",
"total": 27521
"markets": [
"uuid": "xk9M2LuHuID5",
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC"
"quote": {
"uuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl",
"symbol": "USD"
"exchange": {
"name": "Binance",
"uuid": "-zdvbieRdZ",
"iconUrl": ""
"24hVolume": "771875964.9750752",
"price": "3842.9444791178726",
"btcPrice": "1",
"rank": 1,
"marketShare": "30.48",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
"uuid": "bn7nTLHHuIq2",
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC"
"quote": {
"uuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW",
"symbol": "USDT"
"exchange": {
"name": "Coinbase Pro",
"uuid": "qn5ZJmPFP",
"iconUrl": ""
"24hVolume": "311344830.86823833",
"price": "3869.146354559396",
"btcPrice": "1",
"rank": 2,
"marketShare": "12.35",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats |
data.stats.24hVolume | Total 24h volume of markets in the reference currency | | Total number of markets | | List of markets | | UUID of the market | | The coin on the left side of the pair, which price is calculated in units of the quote | | UUID of the baseCurrency of the market | | Symbol of the baseCurrency of the market | | The coin on the right side of the pair. The amount in tickers are how much quote you get for one unit of base. E.g. BTC/USD 10.000 means 1 BTC is traded for 10.000 USD. | | UUID of the quoteCurrency of the market | | Symbol of the quoteCurrency of the market | | Exchange this market belongs to | | Name of the exchange | | UUID of the exchange | | Location of the icon | | The 24 hour volume of the base currency in the reference currency which defaults to US Dollar. For example in an ETH/BTC market the volume would be Ethereum in US Dollar. | | The latest price of the base currency in the reference currency which defaults to US Dollar. For example in an ETH/BTC market the price would be Ethereum in US Dollar. | | The latest price of the base currency in Bitcoin. | | Rank of the market based on volume, taking into account exchange and currency filters | | Percentage of the total market volume reprented by this market, taking into account exchange and currency filters | | Whether the market is recommended | | An array of filters that are applied to the market. Most of the filters will cause the market to not be included in the price calculation of the coins. Allowed values: |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Market details
Path parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuid | Uuid of the market you want to request |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), the price of the reference currency is used to calculate the volume. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"market": {
"uuid": "MP77r-vKf4",
"rank": 7,
"base": {
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"type": "coin"
"quote": {
"symbol": "USDT",
"uuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW",
"name": "Tether",
"type": "coin"
"exchange": {
"name": "Binance",
"uuid": "-zdvbieRdZ",
"iconUrl": "",
"websiteUrl": ""
"latestTicker": {
"createdAt": 1594808541,
"close": "10190.495525500779",
"base24hVolume": "34878",
"quote24hVolume": "354103375"
"marketShare": "1.23",
"price": "9488.518829659914",
"btcPrice": "1",
"24hVolume": "353383358.2006244",
"recommended": true,
"filters": []
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
| |
| | Uuid of the market | | The coin on the left side of the pair, which price is calculated in units of the quote | | Uuid of the baseCurrency of the market | | Symbol of the baseCurrency of the market | | Indicates if the base of the market is a coin or if it is fiat Allowed values: | | Name of the baseCurrency of the market | | The coin on the right side of the pair. The amount in tickers are how much quote you get for one unit of base. E.g. BTC/USD 10.000 means 1 BTC is traded for 10.000 USD. | | Uuid of the quoteCurrency of the market | | Symbol of the quoteCurrency of the market | | Name of the quoteCurrency of the market | | Indicates if the quote of the market is a coin or if it is fiat Allowed values: | | Exchange this market belongs to | | Name of the exchange | | Uuid of the exchange | | Location of the icon | | Url that points to the website of the exchange | | An Epoch timestamp in seconds when the latest ticker was received | | The last price received from the market | | Moving average of the base volume of the market in the last 24 hours. For example in a BTC/USD market it would be the Bitcoins traded within a 24 hour timespan. | | Moving average of the quote volume of the market in the last 24 hours. For example in a BTC/USD market it would be the US dollars traded within a 24 hour timespan. | | The 24 hour volume of the base currency in the reference currency which defaults to US Dollar. For example in an ETH/BTC market the volume would be Ethereum in US Dollar. | | The latest price of the base currency in the reference currency which defaults to US Dollar. For example in an ETH/BTC market the price would be Ethereum in US Dollar. | | The latest price of the base currency in Bitcoin. | | Rank of the market based on volume, taking into account exchange and currency filters | | Percentage of the total market volume reprented by this market | | Whether the market is recommended | | An array of filters that are applied to the market. Most of the filters will cause the market to not be included in the price calculation of the coins. Allowed values: |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID |
Reference currencies
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
limit (optional) | Limit. Used for pagination. The maximum amount of results you can fetch in one request is 5000 for the Startup and Professional plan, and 100 for the Free plan. Default value: 20 |
offset (optional) | Offset. Used for pagination Default value: 0 |
types (optional) | A currency is one of three types: coin (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.), fiat (US Dollar, Euro, Yen, etc.) or a denominator (e.g. Satoshi). Filter the response by providing one or more types. Allowed values: |
search (optional) | Filter the results by searching for currency names or symbols. Example: |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"total": 3
"currencies": [
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"type": "coin",
"symbol": "BTC",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"iconUrl": "",
"sign": "₿"
"uuid": "razxDUgYGNAdQ",
"type": "coin",
"symbol": "ETH",
"name": "Ethereum",
"iconUrl": "",
"sign": "Ξ"
"uuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl",
"type": "fiat",
"symbol": "USD",
"name": "US Dollar",
"iconUrl": "",
"sign": "$"
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats |
| | Total number of coins |
data.currencies | List of reference currencies |
data.currencies.uuid | UUID of the reference currency |
data.currencies.type | The type of the currency can be either 'coin' (BTC, ETH, etc.), 'fiat' (USD, EUR, etc.) or 'denominator' (Satoshi, Wei, etc.) |
data.currencies.symbol | Currency symbol | | Name of the currency |
data.currencies.iconUrl | Location of the icon |
data.currencies.sign | Some currencies have a symbol, like $ for USD and ₿ for BTC |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "limit must be at least 1 and most 100"
Error responses
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
Coin Stats
Global stats
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"totalCoins": 3220,
"totalMarkets": 27497,
"totalExchanges": 190,
"totalMarketCap": "425992114544",
"total24hVolume": "23752040073",
"btcDominance": 39.65
"bestCoins": [
"uuid": "razxDUgYGNAdQ",
"symbol": "ETH",
"name": "Ethereum",
"iconUrl": ""
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"iconUrl": ""
"uuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW",
"symbol": "USDT",
"name": "Tether",
"iconUrl": ""
"newestCoins": [
"uuid": "razxDUgYGNAdQ",
"symbol": "ETH",
"name": "Ethereum",
"iconUrl": ""
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"symbol": "BTC",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"iconUrl": ""
"uuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW",
"symbol": "USDT",
"name": "Tether",
"iconUrl": ""
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.totalCoins | Total number of coins |
data.totalMarkets | Total amount of markets used for price calculation |
data.totalExchanges | Total amount of exchanges paired |
data.totalMarketCap | Market capitalization. Price times circulating supply |
data.total24hVolume | Total trade volume in 24 hours, calculated in the reference currency |
data.btcDominance | Current percentage of the total crypto market capitalization accounted for by Bitcoin |
data.bestCoins | List of the three best performing coins in the selected timePeriod |
data.bestCoins.uuid | UUID of the coin |
data.bestCoins.symbol | Currency symbol | | Name of the coin |
data.bestCoins.iconUrl | Location of the icon |
data.newestCoins | List of the three newest coins |
data.newestCoins.uuid | UUID of the coin |
data.newestCoins.symbol | Currency symbol | | Name of the coin |
data.newestCoins.iconUrl | Location of the icon |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Stats for selection of coins
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
timePeriod (optional) | Negative changes, positive changes and the change in market cap are influenced by the time period. Default value: 24h |
uuids (optional) | UUIDs to filter the list on. If you know the UUIDs of the coins you want to fetch, you can use this filter to get the specific coins. Uuids does not work in combination with tags. If you use both filters, the tag filter takes precedence. Example: |
tags (optional) | Tags to filter the list on. If you provide a tag, this takes precedence over the uuids filter. Allowed values: |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"stats": {
"positiveChanges": 3118,
"negativeChanges": 3725,
"numberOfCoins": 31110,
"volume": "226221134262.99506",
"volumeShare": "100",
"marketCap": "1278354560622",
"marketCapChange": "0.06",
"marketCapShare": "100",
"topCurrencySymbol": "BTC",
"topCurrencyMarketCap": "668081784272",
"topCurrencyDominance": "52.26"
Response fields
Property | Description |
status | Status of the request Allowed values: |
data |
data.stats |
data.stats.positiveChanges | The amount of coins within the group that now have a higher price than at the beginning of the selected timeperiod. |
data.stats.negativeChanges | The amount of coins within the group that now have a lower price than at the beginning of the selected timeperiod. |
data.stats.numberOfCoins | The amount of coins selected for these stats based on the filters provided. See either the tag or uuids filter for more information about filtering these stats. |
data.stats.volume | The trading volume in US Dollar of the coins within the group, within the time period. |
data.stats.volumeShare | The percentage of trading volume compared to coins outside of the selection. E.g. if you have used the tag filter to only get DeFi coins, this is the percentage of trading volume of DeFi coins compared to all other coins. |
data.stats.marketCap | The market cap in US Dollars of the selected coins. |
data.stats.marketCapChange | The change in market cap in US Dollars of the selected coins, as compared to the beginning of the selected time period. |
data.stats.marketCapShare | Similar to volumeShare, this compares the selection of coins against all other coins, but for market cap. |
data.stats.topCurrencySymbol | The symbol of the currency that currently holds the highest market cap within the selection. |
data.stats.topCurrencyMarketCap | The market cap in US Dollars of the currency that currently holds the highest market cap |
data.stats.topCurrencyDominance | A percentage that tells you how big the biggest coin in the selection is compared to the rest of the selection, measured in market cap. |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"status": "fail",
"type": "TAG_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Tag not found"
Error responses
Error | Description |
TAG_NOT_FOUND | The tag could not be found. Try another tag. |
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
query (optional) | Value to search on. Can be a part of a name or symbol, or a complete smart contract address. Example: |
referenceCurrencyUuid (optional) | UUID of coin (either fiat or crypto), in which all the prices are calculated. Defaults to US Dollar, but you can use any coin. You can find UUIDs for reference currencies in any coin endpoint, including a convenient dedicated reference currency endpoint Default value: yhjMzLPhuIDl |
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"status": "success",
"data": {
"coins": [
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"symbol": "BTC",
"price": "65955.43592725793773050345"
"uuid": "ZlZpzOJo43mIo",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Bitcoin Cash",
"symbol": "BCH",
"price": "629.06361906860411030862"
"exchanges": [
"uuid": "YY5LBnZ-G",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Bitforex",
"recommended": false
"uuid": "C2gDcXEHIFD",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "HOTBIT",
"recommended": false
"markets": [
"uuid": "MP77r-vKf4",
"baseSymbol": "BTC",
"quoteSymbol": "USDT",
"baseUuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"quoteUuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW",
"exchangeIconUrl": "",
"exchangeName": "Binance",
"exchangeUuid": "-zdvbieRdZ",
"recommended": true
"uuid": "6NVfmwRwJEp",
"baseSymbol": "BTC",
"quoteSymbol": "USDT",
"baseUuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"quoteUuid": "HIVsRcGKkPFtW",
"exchangeIconUrl": "",
"exchangeName": "OKEx",
"exchangeUuid": "hUlMcwWZp_",
"recommended": true
"fiat": [
"uuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "US Dollar",
"symbol": "USD",
"price": "1"
"categories": [
"slug": "defi",
"shortname": "DeFi",
"name": "DeFi coins",
"iconUrl": "",
"numberOfCoins": 100
Response fields
Property | Description |
data.coins | List of coins matching the search pattern |
data.coins.uuid | UUID of the coin |
data.coins.iconUrl | Location of the icon | | Name of the coin |
data.coins.symbol | Currency symbol |
data.coins.price | Price of the coin |
data.exchanges | List of exchanges matching the search pattern |
data.exchanges.uuid | UUID of the exchange |
data.exchanges.iconUrl | Location of the icon | | Name of the exchange |
data.exchanges.recommended | Whether the exchange is recommended | | List of markets matching the search pattern | | UUID of the market | | The base symbol of this market | | The quote symbol of this market | | The UUID of the base currency | | The UUID of the quote currency | | Location of the icon of the exchange this market belongs to | | Name of the exchange | | UUID of the exchange | | Whether the market is recommended | | List of fiat currencies matching the search pattern | | UUID of the currency | | Location of the icon | | Name of the currency | | Currency symbol | | Rate of the currency |
data.categories | List of categories matching the search pattern |
data.categories.slug | Slug of the category |
data.categories.shortname | Shortened name of the category | | Full name of the category |
data.categories.iconUrl | Location of the icon |
data.categories.numberOfCoins | Number of coins in the category |
Error response
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
"status": "fail",
"message": "Reference currency with UUID of HxDUgYGNAdQz not available"
Error responses
Error | Description |
VALIDATION_ERROR | The request could not be validated. The response should provide more details. |
REFERENCE_UNAVAILABLE | The reference currency used in the request is not available. Choose another UUID. |
Bulk coins
Get bulk data of all coins
Code examples
curl \
-H 'x-api-key: your-api-key' \
-G \
--compressed \
-o output.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"uuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"updatedAt": 1717497619,
"symbol": "BTC",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"iconUrl": "",
"links": [
"name": "",
"url": "",
"type": "cmc"
"name": "",
"type": "website",
"url": ""
"name": "",
"url": "",
"type": "website"
"name": "",
"url": "",
"type": "bitcointalk"
"name": "bitcoin/bitcoin",
"url": "",
"type": "github"
"name": "r/bitcoin",
"url": "",
"type": "reddit"
"name": "Bitcoin_Magazine",
"url": "",
"type": "telegram"
"name": "bitcoin",
"url": "",
"type": "telegram"
"name": "Bitcoin Whitepaper",
"url": "",
"type": "whitepaper"
"color": "#f7931A",
"listedAt": 1330214400,
"tags": [
"maxSupply": "21000000",
"issuanceBlockchains": [
"name": "Bitcoin",
"reference": null
"price": "63862.61655770243",
"marketCap": "1260990482199",
"fullyDilutedMarketCap": "1341114947712",
"volume": "18250228627",
"price1hAgo": "63726.554724983194",
"price3hAgo": "63678.81020397417",
"price12hAgo": "64307.79866234446",
"price24hAgo": "63875.484884689606",
"price7dAgo": "58276.0082622311",
"price30dAgo": "68209.40347294786",
"price3mAgo": "69292.28673341914",
"price1yAgo": "26105.28335075832",
"price3yAgo": "48964.152023526825",
"price5yAgo": "11128.14084828205",
"sparkline1h": [
"sparkline3h": [
"sparkline12h": [
"sparkline24h": [
"sparkline7d": [
"sparkline30d": [
"sparkline3m": [
"sparkline1y": [
"sparkline3y": [
"sparkline5y": [
"allTimeHighPrice": 73646.0632562494,
"allTimeHighDate": 1710400080,
"tier": 1,
"circulatingSupply": "19745362",
"totalSupply": "19745362",
"marketCapRank": 1,
"fullyDilutedMarketCapRank": 1,
"volumeRank": 2,
"change1hRank": 166,
"change3hRank": 281,
"change12hRank": 349,
"change24hRank": 301,
"change7dRank": 485,
"change30dRank": 307,
"change3mRank": 80,
"change1yRank": 114,
"change3yRank": 38,
"change5yRank": 35,
"numberOfExchanges": 109,
"numberOfMarkets": 2665
Response fields
Property | Description |
| The response is a list of objects of all our coins |
uuid | UUID of a coin; a unique identifier |
updatedAt | Timestamp of the last change made to the coin's static data |
symbol | Symbol of a coin |
name | Name of a coin |
iconUrl | URL to the icon of a coin |
links | List of links, like social media pages | | Name of the link |
links.url | Url to the specific link |
links.type | The type of link Allowed values: |
color | of the coin in hexadecimal format |
listedAt | Timestamp of when the coin was listed |
tags | List of tags, like "Staking" or "Meme" |
issuanceBlockchains | List of issuance blockchains. This is our name for blockchains where the coin is issued on, which in some cases means multiple blockchains. For example Tether is issued on nine different blockchains. | | The name of the blockchain |
issuanceBlockchains.reference | The reference, such as a smart contract address, of a coin on the blockchain |
price | Price of the coin in US Dollar |
marketCap | Market capitalization in US Dollar. Price times circulating supply |
fullyDilutedMarketCap | Market capitalization in US Dollar. Price times circulating supply Full Market capitalization. Fully diluted market cap is a coin's price multiplied by its max supply. Or total supply if the max supply is not known. It shows what the market cap could be if all coins were in circulation, with the current price. |
24hVolume | 24h trade volume in US Dollar |
price1hAgo | Price 1 hour ago in US Dollar. Useful to calculate the change percentage over 1 hour. You can use the 1h price of a different coin to calculate the price in a different reference currency. For example, you can look up the current price of Euro now and 1 hour ago, and use its rate to calculate the Bitcoin price in Euro. Next, you could use these rates to calculate the change percentage of Bitcoin in Euro. In our regular coins endpoint we can do this for you; we return a change percentage in the response and you can provide a reference currency of your choosing (such as EUR, YEN or BTC) and all the prices including the change percentage are calculated using this reference currency. |
price3hAgo | Price 3 hours ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
price12hAgo | Price 12 hours ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
price24hAgo | Price 24 hours ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
price7dAgo | Price 7 days ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
price30dAgo | Price 30 days ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
price3mAgo | Price 3 months ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
price1yAgo | Price 1 year ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
price3yAgo | Price 3 years ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
price5yAgo | Price 5 years ago in US Dollar. See price1hAgo for more details. |
sparkline1h | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 1 hour. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline3h | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 3 hours. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline12h | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 12 hours. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline24h | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 24 hours. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline7d | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 7 days. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline30d | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 30 days. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline3m | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 3 months. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline1y | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 1 year. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline3y | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 3 years. Useful for a small chart |
sparkline5y | Array of about 25 price points spread out over the last 5 years. Useful for a small chart |
allTimeHighPrice | Highest price the coin ever reached in US Dollar |
allTimeHighDate | Timestamp of when the coin reached its highest price ever reached in US Dollar |
circulatingSupply | Number of coins that are circulating in the public market |
totalSupply | Number of coins that are in existence |
maxSupply | Maximum amount the coin's supply can ever be. |
marketCapRank | Ranking of the coin based on its market capitalization. |
fullyDilutedMarketCapRank | Ranking of the coin based on its fully diluted market capitalization. |
volumeRank | Ranking of the coin based on its trading volume. |
change1hRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 1 hour. |
change3hRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 3 hours. |
change12hRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 12 hours. |
change24hRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 24 hours. |
change7dRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 7 days. |
change30dRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 30 days. |
change3mRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 3 months. |
change1yRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 1 year. |
change3yRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 3 years. |
change5yRank | Ranking of the coin based on its performance in the last 5 years. |
numberOfExchanges | The number of exchanges that the coin is listed on. |
numberOfMarkets | The number of markets that the coin is available in. |
Subscribe to rates
professional This endpoint requires the professional plan or higher
Establish a WebSocket connection to get rates in real-time. There are two ways to subscribe to coins; directly establish a connection with subscriptions by using query parameters to select your subscriptions, or establish a connection and send a JSON message through the socket with the subscriptions you require.
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
uuids | With the UUIDs parameter, you can select which coins to subscribe to. Provide a list of coin UUIDs to make your selection, use our other endpoints or our website to find the UUIDs of coins you want. There is a maximum of hundred UUIDs you can subscribe to within one WebSocket. Size range: 1-100 |
throttle (optional) | With the throttle parameter, you prevent getting overloaded with rates. This is useful if performance is an issue, e.g. when using WebSockets in your frontend and want to prevent straining your client's their devices too much. Throttling works per coin. If you select a throttle, this means rates for the same coin will not be pushed more than once within the specified duration. When you have subscribed to multiple coins, you still receive more messages within the specified duration. You can choose between 1s (At least one second interval between a rate for each coin) or 10s (ten seconds). Default value: 1s |
list (optional) | With the list parameter, you can subscribe to a list of coins. The default is to subscribe to none and filter on UUIDs. Besides the none option, you can also choose all to subscribe to every rate. You can choose between none (no list is selected and you can use the UUIDs parameter to filter the list) or all (every rate). Default value: none |
Code examples
// Send a JSON formatted message through the WebSocket client after establishing a connection
const connection = new WebSocket('wss://');
connection.onopen = () => {
const subscriptions = {
throttle: '10s',
uuids: [
"currencyUuid": "Qwsogvtv82FCd",
"price": "59585.64479860372914892766",
"volume": "33769051110.0956537043822976375655904"
Response fields
Property | Description |
currencyUuid | The currency of this rate |
price | The latest price of this coin |
volume | The latest volume of this coin |