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The Djuno Databases offers a seamless cloud-based platform for users to create and manage database services with ease.

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Written by Djuno Support
Updated over 4 months ago


The Djuno Databases offers a seamless cloud-based platform for users to create and manage database services with ease. This setup is part of a cloud management platform where users can create and manage various cloud services. The Create a Service button is the gateway to setting up a new database instance, allowing users to quickly deploy, configure, and scale databases according to their needs.

How create a database

When creating a new database service in Djuno Cloud, users are guided through several configuration steps to tailor the service to their needs. First, they select the database type, choosing from options like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, and M3DB, each suited to different workloads. After selecting the desired database version, users can pick a service plan, such as Production, Advanced, Essential and Business. The next step is to choose the hosting region, with options like Beauharnois, Frankfurt, Gravelines,Strasbourg,London and Warsaw ensuring data is geographically positioned for performance or compliance needs. Users then select a node configuration based on their required CPU, memory, and storage capacity, with cost estimates provided for each option. Lastly, the number of nodes in the cluster can be adjusted to enhance availability and scalability. Once all choices are made, the user clicks Order to deploy the database instance. This process allows for flexibility and optimization based on both technical requirements and budget considerations.

After creating a database, the user will find additional options in the table dropdown, including General Information, Delete, and Renamedatabase functionalities.

Each database instance includes several tabs:

MongoDB : Users, Backups, Authorised IPs ,Logs, Metrics

SQL : Users, Databases, Backups , Authorised IPs ,Query Statistics, Queries in progress, Logs, Metrics,. Service integration, Advanced configuration

PostgreSQ L: Users ,Databases ,Backups , Authorised IPs ,Query Statistics ,Queries in progress, Pools ,Logs, Metrics, Service integration, Advanced configuration

Redis : Users, Backups, Authorised IPs, Logs, Metrics, Service integration ,Advanced configuration

Cassandra : Users, Backups Authorised IPs, Logs, Metrics ,Service integration ,Advanced configuration

M3DB:Users, Backups, Authorised IPs, Logs, Metrics ,Service integration, Namespaces

M3Aggregator :Logs, Metrics ,Service integration

General Information

The Cluster Overview provides essential details about the database instance, including the cluster name, unique ID, and its current status, which indicates readiness for use. The database runs on a specified version with a production service plan, offering a configurable allocation of CPU, RAM, and storage, all of which can be upgraded. It is hosted in a designated datacenter with remote storage, and users have access to login details such as the URI, host, and SSL requirements for secure connections. User management options are available, allowing control over database access. The configuration section outlines maintenance and backup schedules, with tools to manage backups and duplicate the database. The database operates on a public network, and authorized IP addresses can be managed.Also, display the CA certificate for the MySQL, cassandra database.


This tab allows administrators to manage database users by adding new users, assigning roles, and viewing details such as usernames, assigned roles, creation date, and account status. The dropdown menu for each user includes options to Delete the user or Reset Password, offering quick controls for managing user access and security.

Create user:

  • mongodb user

  • mysql , cassandra user:

  • postgresqluser:

  • redis user:

Authorised IPs

In the Authorized IP tab, you can manage the IP addresses allowed to access the database. The table shows each IP/mask and a corresponding Description . You can use the Edit IP Address option to modify the IP or the Delete IP Address option to remove it.

Create IP:

click Add on IP or IP block(CIDR) to create new IP address

Edit IP:

click Edit IP Address option from dropdown to edit IP address


In the log tab, you can monitor and manage your database service by viewing the latest events (logs) in nearly real-time. The retention period for these logs varies based on your service solution.


To help you track and manage your database instance, view its main metrics and statistics below. Their retention period depends on your service solution.


In the databases tab, there is an option to "Create a database." This feature allows users to set up new databases within the application. You can use Delete option to remove it.

click Create a database to create database


In the backup tab, you can view a list of your backups, with options to restore or fork any of them. These rolling backups are maintained to ensure that your service remains operational. The section provides details on database backups, including their retention period and the most recent backup status. The backup list includes options for duplication (forking), as well as information about the name, location, creation date, expiry date, and status of each backup.


When you click the Duplicate(Fork) option in the table dropdown or button, a page will appear to facilitate the duplication of your database service. This process will run your backup fork on a new cluster. You'll need to select a restore point from which the service will be duplicated, with options for the most recent backup or a specific date.

Query Statistics

Query statistics gather the statistics collected in performance schemas. They enable you to monitor server events (e.g.syncing, temporary tables, indexes, join, etc.)

Queries in progress

In the Queries in Progress section, you can monitor the current activity on your database. Options are available to show idle connections and active connections, along with an option to automatically refresh the page for real-time updates. The table includes columns for displaying various details about each query, such as the query ID (PID), duration, database name, client address, and appl

ication name.

Service integration

Service Integration refers to the process of connecting different software services or applications to work together seamlessly, allowing various systems, tools, or platforms to communicate, share data, and perform coordinated actions.In the Service Integration tab, you can manage connections between different solutions through service integration. An option is available to "Add an integration," allowing you to connect various services seamlessly. Also, includes options to Delete the user Service Integration.

Create service integration:

In the "Add Service Integration" modal, you can initiate the process of adding a new integration by selecting the integration type. You will need to choose a source service and a target service from the available options. Additionally, there are fields for specifying the index prefix and the maximum number of days for the index, starting at zero.

Advanced configuration

In the "Advanced Configuration" tab, you can modify various key settings for your database service. This section allows you to adjust options related to logging, query performance, and error handling, enabling you to customize how the database operates. You can enable or disable features such as slow query logging and configure requirements for primary keys. Additionally, you have the flexibility to define specific operational modes that dictate how the database processes queries and handles errors. After making your desired changes to these key values, clicking the Update advanced configuration button will save and apply the updated configurations.


In the Pools tab, you can view the details of your database connection pools, which are collections of maintained connections reused to manage database access efficiently. This pooling optimizes database performance by reducing the overhead of establishing and tearing down connections for each request. The displayed information includes the pool name, associated database, connection mode, pool size, and the username used for accessing the pool. Additionally, there are options in a dropdown menu that allow you to view information about the pool, edit its settings, or delete the pool altogether.

create pool:

In the "Add Pool" modal, you can create a new connection pool for your database. The modal includes fields to specify essential details, such as the pool name, the associated database (with an option to select from available databases), and the connection mode (with a selection option for different modes). You will also need to specify the pool size and select a username for accessing the pool.

Pool information:

Edit pool:


In the Namespaces tab, you can manage namespaces, which organize point collections. These namespaces can be either non-aggregated, meaning they include all point data as it arrives, or aggregated, where only one point is stored for each configured interval. You also have the option to add a new namespace or remove it.

Create namespace:

In the "Add a Namespace" modal, you can create a new namespace by providing specific details. You need to enter the namespace name, select its type (either Aggregated or Unaggregated), and define the retention period (e.g., 48h) and resolution (e.g., 1d). Under Advanced Configuration, additional settings can be adjusted, including enabling or disabling options like writesToCommitLogEnabled and snapshotEnabled. You can also configure retention settings, such as the block size duration, buffer past and future durations, and block data expiration, each with suggested time formats (e.g., 2h or 10m).

Edit namespace:


to check out flexible pricing see this link

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